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24 hours in paris : itinerary

Where to stay in Ubud
Here are my top two secret addresses i would like to share with you. When looking for an accomodation in Ubud, you will find too many...

5 great souvenirs to pick up in Marrakech
If you are like me, always on the look of what to buy when traveling, you will love Morocco. This country is known as heaven for...

7 lovely things to do in Marrakech over a weekend
Being in Marrakesh was a real break for me and my husband. We saw different colors, different culture, different paysage, different...

How much Marrakech costs us for a weekend
If you are planning to go to Marrakech for the first time and over a weekend, this might give you an idea how much it will cost. We were...

5 essentials things to know about Cappadocia
The weather I went to Cappadocia beginning of May last year. While the wind was blowing high in Istanbul, the sun was shining bright in...
Chasing Bohème
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